How to make Video Resume

Video Resume is most important now a days. Because it makes your CV more stronger. Follow the writing below and record your smart speech. Here there is 6 points. You take 30 seconds for each point.


1Introduce yourself, including your education – (Within 30 sec) 




I’m Advocate Muhammad Mohiuddin. I was born in 1980 & I’m from Madaripur.


I’m married. My wife is a housewife. We have two sons those who are students.


I’m honest, innovative and prefer to take new challenges.


2 –Talk about your experience, skills and achievements – (Within 30 sec)


I have completed LL.B from National University of Bangladesh, LLM from Dhaka International University & MBA from Southern University Bangladesh.


I was successfully enrolled in Bangladesh Bar Council as an advocate in 2021. Now, I’m a member of Dhaka Bar Association and working as a lawyer in Dhaka Judge Court and Dhaka Labour Court for about 5 years. Besides I perform Income Tax and Corporate matters.


3 –Your long term career objective. Where you want to be after 5 years – (Within 30 sec) 


I myself perform suits and cases by drafting, filing, examination in chief, cross examination and arguments before the learned courts for about 5 years. I have 20 years service experiences in Bangladesh Navy including 3 years in DGFI.


I’m an enlisted panel lawyer in South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Limited

I’m a legal adviser in Sarina Alam Construction, a reputed developer company in Dhaka.


I want to achieve the top most position in legal section.


4 -What are your strengths and weakness – (Within 30 sec) 


I’m a good presenter, fluent in English, skilled in computer and proficient in Law.


My weakness is that I can not say no to my colleagues that increase my workload.


5- Describe your career goals – (Within 30 sec) 


I have started my journey as a lawyer to achieve the social dignity and in future I want to be the head of legal in a famous company within the next 5 years and off course I will do so inshaAllah.


6- Your achievement or extracurricular activities – (Within 30 sec) 


I’m a founder director in Ainbid Academy, an academy for Bangladesh Bar Council and BJS examinee.


I’m a video content creator and content writer. My youtube channel’s name in ainbid and my blog website address is


That’s all about me in brief. Thanks for watching. Allah Hafez.




Advocate Muhammad Mohiuddin

01711068609 / 01540105088


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